The projectiles hitting the enemys from your gun don't make a death (impact) sound, feels like something's missing.

Replace all the remaining Doom assets (like textures, switches, lamps) with original stuff that fits the comic style of Jazz Jackrabbit (lights, computers, etc I always have the feeling that it is out of place and I think this can be done easily, like the book shelf texture in MAP01 that is already more fitting) Widescreen support for graphics (TITLEPIC, etc GZDoom 4.4 can do that, check my Austerity and TCotD1 remakes to see how it works, it's a new flag) I have to say that this is a fantastic mod, really well and quality, but I have a few suggestions for a potential v10.0 if you want to call it like that - something to make it really feel perfect, not only very good: